La Vrille du Chat

Back Pocket

La Vrille du Chat

Back Pocket

with Dominic Cruz, Devin Henderson, Maya Kesselman, Michael Hottier, Aurélien Oudot

Stage mediator Vincent Gomez

Scenographer Didier Goury

Creation September 2018

Duration 70 mins.

Techniques acrobatics

Type of audience general public

Photo credits Nicolas Van Caillie


The Show

In La Vrille du Chat (Cat Twist), the acrobats defy the laws of time and space. As if they were in a cartoon in which the characters turn all the laws of the physical world upside down when in a tight spot, the virtuosos of the Back Pocket team manage to manipulate and distort time. A scene just a few minutes long is slowed down, speeded up and uses stop-motion, starting up again or moving backwards and forwards. It is approached from many angles, real or imaginary, using flashbacks, memories and projections that the 7 protagonists link with the original scene. One of the formal inspirations behind La Vrille du Chat is “3 Seconds”, a comic book by Belgian author Marc-Antoine Matthieu, in which all the action takes place in just three seconds. But focusing on such a short period of time has all kinds of ramifications. On stage, the artists sometimes interpret the characters from the core scene and sometimes the outpouring of one character’s consciousness, incarnations drawn from memory, the personification of an emotion or a wish. Without hesitating to play with the burlesque, the Back Pocket team explore the impossible and the extraordinary to deconstruct and then reconstruct the original scene, like a musical theme from its infinite variations.
In short, this is a dramatic composition that calls on the resources of the circus performers themselves, foregoing all equipment. It is true writing for the circus, drawing on the popular codes of slapstick comedy. A scholarly yet uproarious composition that is conveyed through physical virtuosity alone.

The Troupe

Back Pocket was founded in Belgium in 2007 to gather the experiences of seven artists from France and the United States, whose careers are linked in many ways
Dominic Cruz is an American acrobat who, during a period of training in San Francisco, met Devin Henderson and Maya Kesselman with whom he attended the auditions for the ESAC Ecole Supérieure des Arts du Cirque. During her training Maya Kesselman, specialized in the technique of Chinese rings, has also worked on the project Trio anneaux along with Michael Hottier.
Last member of the company Aurélien Oudot who studied with Michael Hottier at the school of the Arts de la Piste in Boulogne Billancourt.